The Crazy Water Camp has been cancelled because of lack of participants. Please check out the other upcoming Crazy Camps!

Clean yourself from rat race dirt, join our adventure of sun and water!
Crazy Water Camp July 26 – 31, 2015 will be all about water and more! The first ever Crazy Water Camp will take place in an enchanting rural area in the south of Lithuania. Open water swimming, sauna, hot tub, silly water games, forest walks and connecting with nature – all that with a very mixed international group. The Crazy Water Camp will be a unique and intense experience!

Break away from your daily routines and your daily social environment. Cut the cables! Imagine yourself in a remote place in overwhelmingly beautiful nature. Loose control & find yourself. Enjoy being who you really are. Share this unique and intense experience with a very diverse group, people of all ages and nationalities.
Welcome to the world of!
 Crazy Water Camp Lithuania 2015
  July 26 – 31, 2015
 5 days/nights
 40 kilometers from Vilnius, Lithuania
 Nice house in the middle of nowhere with private access to a lake
personal privacy
group fun
target # of participants

Give space to the playful YOU! Feel the joy of letting go! You’re ALIVE!


We will be in a remote house just for our group in a beautiful landscape with forests, fields and lakes, away from ‘civilisation’. In the daytime we will swim, float, enjoy the sun, hike in forests and fields, and visit tiny villages where time stands still. In the evening we will organize crazy group games, cook and eat together, we’ll take care of mind and body with some basic yoga, sauna sessions etc. and we will gaze at the stars while enjoying the hot tub.


We will be in a nice house, far away from the noise and rumble of cities and villages (about a one hour walk till a village with bus stop and shop), in the middle of beautiful nature. Just in front of the house is a pond where we will jump in after the sauna. Behind that we have our private access to lake where we can swim, play, row and picnic. The area is very rural: mainly forest, lakes and fields. Tiny villages that can not be reached over asphalt; the architecture of their wooden houses is the same since centuries. Here you will forget how a doorbell sounds and how stress feels. This part of Lithuania has a continental climate so according to statistics we can expect warm and dry weather. However, the 35 degrees of summer 2014 were exceptional.

Our diving board for our Lithuanian water adventure


The wooden house is nicely arranged with living room, kitchen and dinner facilities, toilet and shower and bed rooms. There will be max. 16 people in our group. In a separate building there is a sauna and in the garden there is a big hot tub. The garden is big and has space for sun baths and games and there is a volleyball court. Inside the buildings, in the garden and at our lake access clothing is optional (except in the sauna)(faq). No smoking in the house, in the sauna, hot tub or at the terrace.

Water fun!

Obviously our focus will be on water. The water in the pond in front of our house, the water in the big lake, the water in the small rivers, the water that we’ll use for our silly group games, the steam in our sauna… We’ll be jumping, swimming, floating, playing, picnicking and what not in and around the water. But we’ll not neglect the land. We will hike in the forests, visit these time forgotten villages, scavenger hunts etc. Lazyness is also on the program. Just enjoy the sun :-)
Also we will be doing some simple, fun creative mini-projects – and don’t worry if you are not a creative person, you will surprise yourself.
Evenings will start with cooking, eating and cleaning together. There will be crazy group games, yoga-ish stuff and so on. One or twice a midnight swim. And on most evenings we will enjoy the sauna – including Venik/Vanta sessions (birch twig/eucalyptus twig massage) or the hot tub.



There is space and time for your input for workshop-like activities, so if you would like to share some of your knowledge or skills, feel free! Maybe you want to do a photo session, teach us some capoeira moves or make us sing the traditionals of your native culture? Just some ideas… it really can be anything.

The deal

If we complete 12 people, price for one week is EUR 247 per person for accommodation, transfer from/to Vilnius, food and fun. That is cheap! However, don’t come if you are only interested in an affordable holiday. The Crazy Water Camp is all about the group, doing crazy games, enjoying nature and spending fun evenings together!

What is included/provided and what is not?
+ Accommodation
+ Breakfast
+ Simple lunch (sandwiches, leftovers of yesterdays dinner)
+ Dinner (we will cook together)
+ Coffee, tea, milk, water, juice
Snacks, fruit, energy bars, energy drinks, soft drinks, alcoholic beverages
+ Tourist taxes
+ Bed covers and sheets
+ Sauna- and hot tub sessions
+ Transport from/to Vilnius on the day of arrival and departure
+ Unforgettable fun



If you are a couple, please understand that in the Crazy Water Camp you can not behave like a couple. You can get neighboring beds if you want but in general beds are allocated through a lottery (faq) and you are expected to participate in all activities and group life as individuals and not as a couple. Yes you will be hugging – in the numerous group hugs! So be prepared to sit each at the opposite extreme of the group table during dinner, and accept that someone else than yourself might be giving your partner a salt scrub in the sauna.

Wild Lithuanian Landscapes Around The Crazy Water Camp

About Lithuania

Lithuania is the southernmost and westernmost of the Baltic countries. Member of the EU (since 2004); member of the Schengen agreement and starting from January 1st, 2015 the Euro will be the official currency in Lithuania. The capital, Vilnius, is a modern city with good infrastructure and flourishing cultural life. Lithuania is a very safe place for travelers. The people are generally friendly and helpful. The younger generation speaks English as a second language; the older Russian. There are good (and cheap) bus connections throughout the country. Lithuanians in the countryside are generally very aware of their traditions, crafts etc. The countryside is way less modern than the cities and nature is dominating.
Here is a map of Europe. The circle has Frankfurt/Main as a centre. It shows that the distance from Frankfurt to the Crazy Water Camp is roughly the same as the distance to the Spanish border, Edinburg or Rome.
Where is Lithuania? Map of Europe

How to get there

I will arrange transport from Vilnius to the Crazy Water Camp.

Cheap flights from/to Vilnius are available from Wizz Air, Air Baltic, Ryanair and Lituanica. Also Lufthansa, Austrian, Czech Airlines and LOT often have good offers. Ryanair has cheap flights to/from Kaunas (and then bus or train to Vilnius). Bus schedules (also international) can be found at
A map of Europe with all destinations that are connected with Lithuania with direct flights.



Sorry but this Crazy Camp has been cancelled because of lack of interest. Please check out the other upcoming Crazy Camps!
And sign up for the newsletter and I’ll keep you updated about the other upcoming Crazy Camps.