Here some comments that participants of the previous Crazy Camps made. Please also check out the blog at, where there are some short reports written by participants.
Who is this Klaas that they are speaking about? The organiser, see the About page.
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Video testimonials:
More at the bottom of the page.
“Beautiful view from the hut, daily hikes, independence of each participant, plant based food… Personally, I got a very mind-expanding and conscious experience. I had the opportunity to dig in the depths of myself and solve some of my imbalances. The people I’ve met felt more like old friends rather than strangers. And it makes you realize how alike you are with every human being and in fact, nobody is a stranger – just a friend without a label.”
“It was such a wonderful experience that I will never forget in my life.
I found Klaas with a tender heart, a wild and free soul within him.
I’m so grateful that I was part of the project, shared my knowledge of massage.
Such an amazing opportunity to experience the group dynamics and feeling of togetherness and freedom.
The remarkable part was able to be dive into self-exploring and expanding love during the Crazy Camp. I’m going to extend this for the rest of my life by practice loving kindness.”
“This Crazy Camp was a little trip to paradise! With all these amazing and inspiring people and the floating clouds in the valley, welcoming the sun with yoga, rising from the mountains in pink bath, flying on my snowboard on fresh snow, getting lost in the forest and even meeting local Swiss snowboard-gods, handmade sauna, jumping into the snow, it was awesome!”
“What I experienced was a deeply connecting and transformative journey. Klaas created a space where everyone feels safe to be themselves without any judgment, feels safe to open up to others, to show their true self, express affection without fear of rejection… so many things that we usually repress.”
“CRAZY Camps… Ojalá toda la locura del mundo fuera como ésta.
Una semana inolvidable en un entorno increíble junto a personas maravillosas. Caminatas por el monte, yoga, masajes, comida deliciosa, charlas profundas, … ¿Se puede pedir algo mejor? Pues sí, porque fue mucho más que eso. Incluso las actividades y juegos que improvisamos fueron maravillosos. Cuánto amor, cuánta reflexión, cuánta paz, cuánta locura…”
“The crazy ones are the people who don’t go on a Crazy Camp. Klaas manages to find a beautiful location and to blend a melting pot of different ages, backgrounds and cultures to create a fun, friendly and a slighty wild and unique experience. A week on a Crazy Camp could make you change your perspective on life. You would be a fool to miss out!”
“Klaas made sure that our whole group was comfortable together. He has such a way with making people feel at ease in a group. All ten of us were fast friends and still stay in touch! The whole week was amazing. I recommend participating in a Crazy Camp to anyone who likes FUN. You will experience a touristic place in a much less touristic manner. Everything is awesome and Everybody is beautiful!!”
“I would give up all the warm showers of the world for all the love that I experienced here.”
“For me we were a bit to far away from everything. I would have liked to make an excursion back to ‘civilisation’ every second day or so.”
“A wonderful group of people loving life, enjoying the beauty of the Alps together and the simple things in life: what better way to spend a week!”
“This is one of those unique places where you can play like a child, and grow as a person at the same time.”
“The Crazy Mountain Camp brought together a group of strangers from all walks of live, who after a week had become great friends having gone through a wild experience up in the mountains. I definitely enjoyed myself with this bunch of amazing people and can’t wait for our paths to cross again in the future!”
“When you are at the Crazy Mountain Balance Camp, there is no before and there is no after. There is only here and now.”
“They say the best experiences are the experiences that lead to discovering yourself deeper … this is one of them.”
“The most diverse group of strangers I’ve ever fallen in love with. Hiking the mountains exercised my body, conversations exercised my soul. I long to be back at our hut, in the lakes, on the trails, and frolicking naked through the fields. Cheers to you Crazy Campers!”
“Long treks on snow capped mountains, playing crazy games till late in the night, lots of Swiss Cheese, breath-taking ever-changing views of the Alps, some brilliant food, cooking and eating together under a starry black sky, Yoga sessions out on the open mountain grass, group hugs, looking up to a million stars in the night sky while naked in a hot tub, using a vacuum cleaner as a WMD, not to mention some hilarious jokes, laughing, eating lunches while sitting on a mountain peak, swimming in freezing mountain lakes, sharing and caring for each other, and the list is just endless… A bunch of awesome people from different ages, cultures and from all over the world! ‘Crazy’ does not even begin to describe the experience I had during the camp! They say “Men of the past have gone up huge mountains to find peace. To find happiness. To find themselves.” And to that, I say: “Been there, done that”!”
“I did not know what to expect from a Crazy Camp, but I was completely blown away – It started with meeting a bunch of strangers who in such a short time became amazing friends! We laughed, cooked and shared good times together, and I will never forget this experience! Klaas is super for organising this Crazy Mountain Camp and I will be back again for another for sure!”
“I was so lucky to join the Crazy Snow Camp first time in 2011 and since then several more times. If you have every camp again totally random people in the middle of the mountains and so much fun that you can truthfully say it’s not only a snow camp, it’s a crazy snow camp – than it should be the personal merit of Klaas. He is not only an organizer; he is full of crazy ideas and a positive, thoughtful energy, sometimes melancholic and always warmhearted.”
“I would follow the Crazy Camps around Europe in order to attend another event like the last one. It was outstanding and it brought the best out in everyone to create an unforgettable Snow Camp. Would I call this crazy? Totally!”
“Klaas is a beautiful Queen that organizes wild trips and helps people connect to nature and to their essence!”
“The Crazy Snow Camp made us laugh and think and care about each other.”
“My CrazyCamp experience gave me 5 beautiful days to forget who I was. I traded all my worries and responsibilities for happiness in the company of twelve interesting new friends. Take the plunge and renew your soul. I’ll certainly do it again!”
“Dopo aver partecipato al Crazy Camp ho mostrato le foto ai miei amici e tutti mi hanno detto: “sembri davvero felice!” C’è sicuramente qualcosa di magico in quello che fa Klaas.”
“Klaas invested time and energy and organised a crazy snow week in Austria. He introduced funny elements in our stay. He is a great organiser, takes care of other people and you can have both deep and funny talk with him.”
“Crazy snow camp with a team the name of the event worthy. One word: Great.”
“Thanks for organising a fantastic event. I was very lucky to be skiing with such fabulous people.”
“Klaas est un rassembleur; tandis que les uns font la chasse aux sorcières, lui, pour contrebalancer, fait la chasse aux inhibitions, provoque délibérément pour faire tomber les barrières, toujours dans le respect d’autrui. Pour le «Crazy Snow Camp», il a su mettre à profit ses talents d’organisateur et il en résulte une semaine mémorable (le mot me paraît faible!) et des liens solides entre les participants.”
“It was a very beautyful & enriching experience for us to meet very nice people and to feel the energy of the amazing Alp mountains!”
“I joined the Crazy Snow Camp in Austria. We were 11 international and very different people. We had never met each other before. The spirit and feelings which made us like a big family were shared quick and simple without words. Everybody respected everybody and nobody judged.”
“Crazy Mountain Camps are perfect events for open, friendly and young-in-heart people, who can enjoy unpredictable situations, all sort of food, ‘rush hour’ in the kitchen and outdoor washing facilities, group activities, silly games and lack of comfort as a standard. If you count yourself to this group – The Crazy Mountain Camp is for you.
If the above doesn’t sound like your cup of tea – The Crazy Camp is even more the right thing for you!! You HAVE TO ATTEND to one (or more, like myself) Crazy Camps to find out how much fun we can have and how many interesting, beautiful people are around! The whole eperience is changing life perceptions. Even though I am a bit grumpy by nature, I enjoyed every minute… Go for it! Live your life!”
“I knew Klaas since a few years through hospitality exchange networks such as and Couchsurfing, and therefore I was not surprised that he organized the Crazy Artists Camp so well, finding this jewel house, turning food and accommodation details into collective pleasure, creating an international polyglot crew by gathering truly fantastic people, inspiring us every day with his energy and creativity…
This amazing alchemy gave me lots of positive energy, taking back home an incredible experience that will stay in my heart and my mind for ever. I feel that all of us came back from the Camp changed and inspired… Soooooo, whoever you are, if one day you think about attending a Crazy Camp, just do it ! This will be one of the most impressive experiences of your life…”
“The 5 days of Crazy Mountain Camp were the highlight of my 4 weeks Swiss journey. After this experience I missed the feeling to have such a fantastic companionship of adorable people while hiking on a sunny day under lightblue sky, on top of snowy mountains and having a group bath at a fresh mountain lake. Also the company at the evenings while cooking and having delicious dinner together, relaxing and chating in the hot tube or with candle light in front of the hut will be a deficiency after the camp. Affectionate thank for bringing this bunch of special people together! It was an unforgetable experience!”
“Ten people squeezed in a hot tub enjoying wine, music and jokes beneath the stars. Ok, I left out too much. Add: Mindblowing hikes, very friendly vibes, yummy food, good old group hugs, and Klaas triggering the best in all of us. Anytime again.”
“Now I have the group spirit/hiking/lonely hut-happiness-virus!”
“Klaas proved me that few basic rules, excellent organization and constructive attitude make the most diverse group of people feel connected and good with each other. Didn’t feel like witchcraft but more like good heart in action!”
“The Crazy Snow Camp I joined was great from the beginning till the end and we did all kinds of cool stuff even during the couple of days that the lifts were not working. The people, the food, the hut, the views, the skiing, Klaas, the games… I absolutely loved it all. The thing is once you joined a Crazy Snow Camp one time… you will want to join again!”
“The Crazy Mountain Camp offers you the chance to get back to nature and take the elements head on. And what better place to do this than the breathtaking Swiss Alps. The camp offers a kind of team building that other group tours lack through the sharing of physical challenges and household tasks. Would recommend!”
“The Crazy Camp experience was so much better than other group trips that I did! You don’t just make friends in the Crazy Camp, you make a family for the time you are there. I suppose that is by default since there is absolutely no personal privacy ;)”
“Crazy Camps made me explore my social, physical and inner limits among a small family of beautiful people. As success is the talent of someone to make him/herself or other people happy, for me Klaas and all the people who are participating in Crazy Camps are successful in life. Thank you all for this great feeling of happiness.”
“The Crazy Camp was great! It was everything I expected and more. In the first 2 days I already experienced more than I thought I would get out of the whole trip. The mountains were beautiful, getting up to the snow was amazing, the hot tub was fun and the connection with the people was something else. It was so real and true to my heart. I will remember this forever! I feel tears coming on right now writing about it… I miss my Crazy Camp friends. I will definitely go again!”
“The Crazy Mountain Balance Camp really made me feel connected, even though there were no phones, no internet. There was real stuff, like cooking and eating together, hiking together to remote places, and recovering afterward in the hot-tub. For those who wanted to join, the massages and yoga completed the mental balance…”
“This has been an absolutely beautifully mad experience! A melting pot of excitements! This is how, in my mind, the summer holidays should be!”