Play like a child, grow as a person!

cmmc April 22-24, 2016 in the east of The Netherlands: the Crazy Play Weekend. Playfulness and human connection in the middle of nature!

Break away from your daily routines and your daily social environment. Cut the cables! Imagine yourself in a remote place in overwhelmingly beautiful nature. Loose control & find yourself. Enjoy being who you really are. Share this unique and intense experience with a very diverse group, people of all ages and nationalities.
Welcome to the world of!
 Crazy Play Weekend Netherlands
 April 22 till 24, 2016
 2 days/nights
 Overijssel, The Netherlands
 simple accommodation in the forest
personal privacy
group fun
target # of participants

Reset yourself in this playful weekend!

The deal

Your participation in the cost for these 2 days and nights is EUR 99 per person for accommodation, food (that we will cook together) and game/yoga/mediation workshops etc.
or EUR 88 if you are female and you choose to make use of the Gender Pay Gap Compensation (faq)
That is cheap! However, don’t come if you are only interested in an affordable weekend. The Crazy Play Weekend is all about the group, spending fun time together, doing crazy games, and enjoying the nature together!

What is included/provided and what is not?
+ Accommodation
+ Breakfast
+ Simple lunch (sandwiches, leftovers of yesterdays dinner)
+ Dinner (we will cook together)
+ Coffee, tea, milk, water, juice
Snacks, fruit, energy bars, energy drinks, soft drinks, alcoholic beverages
Sleeping bags
Air mattress
+ Guided games, meditations, partner yoga etc.
+ Unforgettable fun


If you are a couple, please understand that in the Crazy Play Weekend you can not behave like a couple. In general the sleeping places are allocated through a lottery (faq) and we’re all sleeping in one big tent. And you are expected to participate in all activities and group life as individuals and not as a couple. Yes you will be hugging – in the numerous group hugs! So be prepared to sit each at the other extreme of the group table during dinner, and accept that someone else than yourself might be giving your partner a massage of the sour muscles.

Don’t miss this crazy weekend!
