Let’s Create New Image Material for CrazyCamp.org Promotion!

There is image material available that is used mainly on the website but also on FB and IG. This material is sometimes made by myself and sometimes ‘found’ on the internet. See examples on this page. These images try to convey a sense of what Crazy Camps are: a haven of freedom, connection, body positivity and activity in the mountains. It’s time for new photo’s – to have more images to choose from and also because I want more diversity in gender, body type, age etc. We do all these activities that I want to be represented during Crazy Camps, but during a Crazy Camp there is never the focus on ‘creating image material’, everyone is submerged in the activities :) that’s why I want to do this during a dedicated image material creation event.
We would do some photo- and video shoots in the mountains, both in a spring environment as in a snowy environment. We would make some photo’s that can serve as ‘featured image’ for specific Crazy Camps; some photo’s and video’s that can be used on Instagram; etc. Artistic/yoga-esque poses in the mountains. Images of group bonding (group hugs, partner yoga, sharing circle etc.).
My idea is to do this with 3 or 4 people that represent ‘mix’: ideally different age groups, ethnical backgrounds, genders, body shapes. ‘Models’ are welcome but ‘non-models’ with looks that you don’t usually find on billboards are very welcome as well! It will involve nudity (mostly facebook safe nudity, meaning: you can understand that the person is nude but there are no delicate parts visible) and some shots will be half clothed and fully clothed. Colorful clothing is preferred.
Date has not yet been set.
What do you get??
A free mini-holiday in the mountains :) including free transport from/to The Netherlands, accommodation, food but not including skipass if you want to ski/snowboard. I have some spare skiboots/snowboardboots, ski’s and snowboards in diverse sizes that you could borrow. Also I can do an art photo shoot with whoever finds it interesting to have art photo’s of herself/himself. Please check my photography portfolio to see my style of photography.