Ditch the shame, reconnect to your body wisdom!
Crazy Ditch the Shame Weekend For so many people -if not all- one of the main powers that stands between them and self acceptance, is shame. Shame doesn't seem to be a natural condition. Babies and small kids express themselves freely, walk around naked freely, follow their imagination freely, try and fail freely etc. until adults (parents, society, school, religion etc.) teach them otherwise.
We want to feel that original freedom again. We want to liberate ourself from the limiting power of shame. This weekend is intended to be a helpful tool for that.

Break away from your daily routines and your daily social environment. Cut the cables! Imagine yourself in a remote place in overwhelmingly beautiful nature. Loose control & find yourself. Enjoy being who you really are. Share this unique and intense experience with a very diverse group, people of all ages and nationalities.
Welcome to the world of CrazyCamp.org!


With pain in our hearts we have to announce that we are canceling the Crazy Ditch the Shame Weekend. With the current restrictions it is not feasible. We are considering doing it in spring 2021, maybe in Switzerland.

A weekend in nature, lots of yoga, exercises to get back into our body, sharings, comfort zone stretchers and shame neutralizers.

· Start: 19:00 on Friday, October 23, 2020. End: 16:30 on Sunday, October 25, 2020
· Close to Steenwijk (Overijssel), The Netherlands
· EUR 235 / 275 all included



We're not actually going to ditch the shame. After all, we're on the road to self-acceptance. So if we experience shame, we can accept it. What we do want, is to take away the limiting power of shame. We don't want to be governed by shame. When we experience shame, we want to observe it and still express our true self.

We will do several Yoga sessions in order to ‘land’ in our body and to calibrate the connexion between mind and body. We will also do games and exercises to enquire our comfort levels and to learn to recognise the ‘yes’ and ‘no’ that our body communicates – not the conditioned ‘yes’ and ‘no’ of our mind.
Playfulness is an important aspect of this weekend, uncovering our inner child. And we will also shine a light on our inner darkness and confront our shadows that oftentimes suppress the inner child. This will be through sharings, exercises etc.

Most of the yoga will be practiced with clothes on, however during one of the sessions we will explore practicing yoga with as little clothing as possible. If you feel too naked when naked, a tank top and shorts will work as well. Same goes for some of the other exercises.

There will also be the unique Slow Sauna experience with a dip in open water afterwards!

The Facilitators

We are Glenda and Klaas. We are both walking the Long Distance Trail towards self-acceptance. Every now and then we encounter each other while walking. During the Crazy Ditch the Shame Weekend we would like to explore part of this trail together with you.

Glenda is a singer at heart and a certified yoga teacher. Her early years in life were characterized by a feeling of not belonging and accordingly shame was more or less her unconscious companion. Having a strong willpower she always tried to push herself a little out of her comfort zone, knowing that this would open up the doors of the beauty of life, little by little. Glenda finds great joy in ever evolving personal transformation and dedicates a great amount of time and enthusiasm to it. Sharing this path of ever growing self-love with others and supporting them to let their light shine, fuels her soul. She thrives for authentic heart-based connections and is thrilled to get wild with you and find the softness in it."



Klaas is the Crazy Camp guy. The organiser that makes all these magical Crazy Camps happen – together with all participants. Love and acceptance are the keys. His slogan used to be “everybody is beautiful!” – now it evolved into “Everybody is!” and he finds it beautiful that everybody is :)

In the words of a recent participant: “Klaas is a warm person that manages to get people out of their comfort zone in a soft way. He creates an atmosphere of openness and respect, which makes it easy for people to show their vulnerability. This, combined with the unique setting and the games and activities, delivers an experience of connexion and love.”



We will stay in a beautifully arranged former farm located in the middle of a national park completely surrounded by nature. In fact, we will go from the bus stop/parking by boat to our little paradise as this place cannot be reached by car; only by boat or bicycle. The yoga room with huge windows has a beautiful view of the forest creating the perfect atmosphere for the yoga classes.

Experimental Space

It is our ambition to create this weekend as a space of empowerment for all participants and with the help of all participants (there will be max. 10 people in our group, including Glenda and Klaas). It wants to be a space where you feel empowered to try out new things – and equally a space where you feel empowered to not participate in something if you feel too uncomfortable with it. No judgement! Of course it is at all times your own responsibility to say (and act) ‘no’ when you feel ‘no’. You are invited (not forced) to challenge your own comfort zone and you commit to respecting the expressed boundaries of the others. This having said, the invitation is to welcome any feeling that might arise in you - be it happiness, sadness, resistance or whatever, and the experience is most transformative if you do step out of your comfort zone and into your shadows.

Some of the exercises are done alone, others in pairs or as a group. They often involve touch.


We will stay in a beautiful former farm, surrounded by water and forest. We will sleep in rooms that we share with each other; there are single beds and double beds that we will distribute randomly. Bathrooms are well equipped.

Food will be deliciously plant based: breakfast and lunch on Saturday and Sunday; dinner on Saturday.

There will be no consumption of alcohol or other drugs during this event, with the exception of coffee.

The deal

Your participation in the cost for this weekend is EUR 275* per person for accommodation, plant based breakfasts, lunches and dinner, guided (yoga and other) sessions, use of the sauna, boat transport to/from the accommodation, and tourist taxes. Bed linen, duvets and bathroom towels, as well as yoga mats and kimono's are included. No need to bring a mat or a sleeping bag. However please do bring a towel for the sauna as well as flip flops/slippers.
*or EUR 235 if you identify as female or are genderqueer and you choose to use the Gender Pay Gap Compensation (faq)
The reduced price is also available for students and people that receive unemployment benefits. In these cases you will be asked to provide a proof of your status.

How to get there

We will be in the rural east of The Netherlands. Distance from Amsterdam 120km, Bremen is at 240km, Duisburg at 210km, Antwerp at 230km. There is a train station nearby and then one bus till our meeting point (and from there the boat to our accommodation). However on Sunday there is no bus, so if you travel by train, we will drop you off at the railway station.

From Amsterdam there is a ride share available, EUR 15 two-way per person. (faq)

Don't miss this transformative event!!


With pain in our hearts we have to announce that we are canceling the Crazy Ditch the Shame Weekend. With the current restrictions it is not feasible. We are considering doing it in spring 2021, maybe in Switzerland. Please sign up for the newsletter and I’ll keep you updated!