Mind_the_gap1In most countries of the world women receive a lower per hour payment for the same activities as men. In my opinion this is injustice. In the European Union for example the so called Gender Pay Gap is 15-16%. See this animated infographic for an explanation (it loads a bit slow but it’s really worth it).

My little protest against this injustice is that I offer female participants the possibility to get 15% reduction on the Crazy Camp participation fee, as a futile compensation for the Gender Pay Gap.
If women don’t get paid the same, then why should they pay the same?

The standard participation fees and the reduced participation fees are mentioned in the respective Crazy Camp pages.

Here is an overview of the upcoming Crazy Camps in Summer 2019

Some of the common characteristics of all Crazy Camps are:
International and very mixed group · Cooking, eating & cleaning together · Crazy group games · No sticky couples · Lots of fun · Very affordable.

Crazy Mountain CampCrazy Mountain Camp July 2019: Crazy Mountain Camp in an amazing location high in the mountains in eastern Switzerland. Mountain hiking, crazy group games, swimming in wild mountain lakes, simplicity… Read more

Crazy Mountain Balance CampCrazy Mountain Balance Camp August 11-18, 2019: Crazy Mountain Balance Camp in an amazing remote valley high in the mountains in Switzerland. Mountain hiking, Yoga and meditations, crazy group games, hot tub, swimming in wild mountain lakes – this adventure will bring you back in balance! Read more